I wake up at about 6 to Jack crying upstairs. Owen is standing beside my bed. From what I can tell, Jack tried to get Owen to play hide-and-seek and Owen figured that Jack would run downstairs while Owen was counting. So, he ran down instead. Jack comes down upset and O yells his side of the story. grr.
They climb in bed with me and we listen to the shower water from Eric’s shower.
We all get up, and I make fried eggs and mangos. Jack refuses to eat eggs and runs away.
I make Owen’s lunch. Pear slices, cheese, crackers, cashews applesauce, yellow carrots, Scooby Snack graham cookies. I write Owen’s note for his lunch and put everything in his backpack.
Jack returns to the table of his own accord – I never beg my kids to eat – I serve it and take it away after the meal. Not sure what the whole eating issue is this week – maybe that we had cereal or pancakes during the week-off break last week?? He eats all but the yolk of the egg.
The monkeys get dressed in the clothes I get for them. Owen picks out his shirt…
I put away some laundry from yesterday,
Flat-iron my hair and get dressed and ready.
As I grab my sweatshirt, my car key falls out. Yea – I knew it would turn up…
and drive Owen off to school.
When Jack and I return home, I find the now-cold tea that I had prepared for the car-ride. I pour it back into the original cup and microwave it…
Jack and I play for awhile. He demonstrates his skills now that he has his super-man cape on.
Later Jack plays his Leapster while I wash and cut up fruit that I am bringing as our contribution to lunch for Owen’s school staff today. I like that each class does that one time throughout the year, and that I didn’t miss it.
(mangos and kiwi)
Jack helpfully tests all of the fruit for me. What a helper! He adds a yogurt to his snack and we drive to Owen’s school to deliver the fruit and set up the trays.
For lunch Jack and I have cheese and crackers and some cashews.
Jack is supposed to be washing his face afterwards while I clean up the fruit cutting mess. He experiments with dripping water all over his face – and the countertop – to see if that does the job…
I write some mails and while Jack plays in, and then cleans his room. We make his bed together – he is super proud and wants to do it every day!
Change into gymnastics clothes (shorts and a wick-away shirt)
Rock out to Wonderwall and Lazy Boy on the drive over…
Gymnastics!! I try to watch Jack and jabber incessently with Lisa. She has been out of town for about 10 days so we have a lot of catching up to do…
Jack always loves seeing Sarah and Katie (and her new missing tooth) Owen doesn’t seem to understand that Jack gets to see them on Wednesdays – I hope he doesn’t put that together…
Jack and I run to QFC for a few last minute groceries for tonight. Afterwards we drive to Owen’s school to wait for dismissal. We have about 40 minutes. We park and Jack hops in the front seat. He reads to me, and plays with some toys, and draws. I love this little together time that we have on the week-days when we wait for Owen.
The great deposit – that must be gone through and cleaned up…I sweep and vacuum the downstairs.
Then I become a little obsessed with wiping blinds. I really don’t have time to do them, but they are bugging me…
Owen eats strawberries and grapes for a snackthen he and Jack play super-heros
As I check my mail I hear the boys giggling in Owen’s room telling jokes…
knock knock
who’s there?
banana who?
(hilarious bouts of laughter)
knock knock
who’s there?
poo-poo head
poo-poo head who?
poo poo head toilet!
knock knock
who’s there?
ice-cream who?
ice-cream cone!
knock knock
who’s there?
poo-poo pee-pee toilet
poo-poo pee-pee toilet who?
poo-poo pee-pee toilet stinky head!
knock knock
who’s there?
ice-cream who?
ice-cream soda!
knock knock
who’s there?
poo-poo head
Jack: you already did ‘poo-poo head. I am not going to listen to that one.”
I didn’t feel much like listening either…
I go downstairs and make mashed potatoes for dinner (the secret is to “rice” the potatoes with a ricer and add cream cheese…) Jack is my photographer…
Eric gets home and plays with the boys for awhile while I work on dinner. Dinner tonight is pork tenderloin, mashed potatoes, salad with strawberries/walnuts/avocado.
Eric’s friend Dion comes over for dinner. We have some cheese and crackers for an appetizer and open a bottle of wine.
As I am getting the final touches to dinner, I keep checking on the meat, but it is cooking sooooo slowly. I finally realize that I turned off the oven when I turned off the timer earlier. Grr.
We all eat salad first then the monkeys go play until the rest of dinner is ready. I feel really dumb.
We have a nice dinner, then Owen dances for us – hilarious. Jack seems to have a hard time understanding Dion – who has a South African accent (sounds a bit like Australian and British combined) The cracks me up because Jack thought he understood the French, but can’t seem to get a slight accent????
The monkeys get themselves ready for bed, and I put them to bed – we each read a book. Eric entertains his friend.
Dion, Eric, and I spend a few more hours together.
Then, off to blog for me.
Good night!
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