At 4:15 Jack is crying out. When I get to him, he wants lip-balm for his lips.
Then next time I wake, it is to Eric kissing me good-bye at sometime after five. That means he is going to the gym before work.
I wake next to the alarm at 7. I hear nothing from the monkeys – weird. I hop in the shower and get dressed. I begin to make Owen’s lunch and he wakes up. It has been a long while since he has woken up this late.
Owen eats cereal and milk for breakfast. I make tea.
As I get something from the fridge, I notice the price of the cheese I bought yesterday and almost drop the cheese that’s apparently worth it’s weight in gold! I thought it was expensive at $12, but bought it because we had it at a party the other night and I really liked it- and I thought it would be great for some company we’re having tomorrow.
I spill the boiling water all over instead of dropping the cheese. Good, water is free – mostly.
It is after 7:30, so I check to see if Jack is ok…He’s still asleep. I hope he doesn’t have another ear infection.
Then I check my e-mail to see what’s up and who has commented on my blog – Thank you Katy – You are the best. I LOVE comments.
I photograph Owen’s pictures from his class book since I am not sure I will get them back. I also write a comment in the parent comment section.
I make Owen’s lunch (tofu, blueberries, grapes, pretzels, Pirate’s Booty, and dog-bone shaped graham crackers.),
Jack finally wakes up 5 minutes before we have to go, so I grab his clothes, a baggie of cereal, his shoes, his new snack (since I don’t want to bring the fruit in case it isn’t allowed) and we all hop in the car. We drop Owen off at school, then drive to Jack’s school. A quick change out of pjs into clothes in the school parking lot, and I walk Jack into school.
I am kid-free for a few hours. Quick stop at Fred Meyer for a few groceries for dinner tomorrow night.
Back at home I set the timer so I don’t have so much fun cleaning the house that time slips by and I am late to pick-up for pre-school. Hmm…I think I missed cleaning the front of the stove yesterday…don’t look too closely.
Dishesthen make the marinade for the pork loin for dinner tomorrow.
I listen to my audiobook and flat-iron my hair. Those poor people who had to see me with crazy hair at Jack’s school and Fred Meyer… glad I didn’t pass any mirrors on my shopping trip.
Finish cleaning the countertops,
hear the timer go off and need to go. Somehow Eric’s keys to my car are the only one in the drawer. Darn, where are my keys?!
I pick up Jack and Bridget at school. They have their usual scuffle when they see me to get a hug and then to be carried out of the school to the car. They are both way too jealous of each other to have the other be carried – I never carry either of them. Today’s scuffle ends in me falling completely over from my crouching hug position to me being sprawled out on the floor trying to lift both monkeys up simultaneously so that neither gets hurt. I am sure I looked very cool and the other parents were jealous…
We listen to our French music as requested by Bridget for the ride to Bridget’s house, then Jack and I head home. Lunch is tofu and blueberries. I also let Jack have a juice-box. Jack gets in on the photographer action.then he is interested in learning how to wink. It is hard work…
Jack reads a book to meand colors in on his 100 Book chart
I sync my Zune and write some emails while Jack works on puzzles.
Jack and I play a game but I end up talking on the phone with my Mama, and the directions are too hard to follow along, so Jack makes up his own rules. His rules often have throwing pieces up in the air for some reason…
Jack finds another juice box and wants it. I say no so he gives me the option of giving him a juice box or some orange juice. I make the mistake of laughing at this ultimatum… (We have juice about once a week, so I don’t really think Jack ever believed that he was going to get this)
Jack shows me his mad face and I am not very helpful as I try to take a picture of him (he does not find the photo-shoot very desirable at this point…)
it is hard to tell if he is yelling or laughing after a few minutes. Honestly, I am not sure if he knows…
Jack and I leave after this. He is quite tired and asks to stay home and go to sleep. I put on nai-nai music in the car and get gas at Costco. We head over to the local 2nd hand children’s clothing store to look for shoes for Owen’s show. No luck. Jack wants to be held most of the time. Not sure why he is so tired lately??
I drop the costumes off at Owen’s school set Owen and Jack up with a snack, some markers, paper, and books. I have a conference with Owen’s two teachers today. Owen and Jack end up having to go into the school’s after-care program for the conference which sends Owen into a panic. He is very upset and is crying and holding on to me. I set him up with my Zune to watch a show, and promise him a reward if he can be brave enough to stay without a fuss. He knows one of the teachers and one of the students is from his class. It is such a terrible feeling to leave Owen there when he is so upset. I feel that I am failing him somehow. I know he is really feeling scared, but it is hard to understand what all of the anxiety is about. And it is so much more complicated than these few lines…
Owen’s conference is very interesting. He is doing great academically and socially, but is struggling with anxiety at school as he has done before. His French teacher gives me some amazing insights into his behavior that I have never thought of before. I leave very happy and with lots to think about.
When I go to pick up Owen and Jack they both say that they had a great time. They are playing with the little girl from Owen’s class and another boy. Owen says he wants to come to this after-care again.
At home O and J play crazy boy-games like kick each other along the floor. They both think it is hilarious – me, not so much, but I guess I am not the one playing…
I put on a show while I make dinner.
We have tacos with corn tortillas, chicken, beans, and cheese. Eric is running late again – he is transitioning between jobs over the next two weeks, so I think this will be pretty typical for now. The monkeys and I would rather he was home like usual…
Empty the clean dishes and fill with dirty ones. Clean Owen’s lunch box for tomorrow. Then clean an especially bad spot on the hard-woods. I really need to clean the whole floor, but it is not to be right now.
Daddy gets home, eats quickly and we head out to Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream. This is what the monkeys choose to have as their treat. I feel like a miser denying the boys the chocolate sprinkle cone and the gummy bears that they have here with their grandma, but it is already $10 for the three small cones that we buy. Crazy
At home is pajama time, brush teeth, and tuck-ins. Jack reads 1/2 a book while Daddy helps Owen brush his teeth, then Jack brushes with Daddy. Owen and I take turns reading pages of his book that we started yesterday. I tuck in Jack and Eric tucks in Owen. We switch for kisses and hugs. I go back to Jack’s room to put some lip ointment on his lips and he says he has to go to the bathroom, but he doesn’t want to get out of bed. He says that if he gets out after he has been tucked in, all the kisses and hugs fall off. I wait for him to return from the bathroom to replace kisses and hugs. This is so going to bite me back when he gets up in the night to go to the bathroom… oh well.
I heat water for tea then Eric and I talk about the conference with Owen’s teachers for about an hour. I remember about the tea afterward.
Off to blog for the evening. I’m tired now. I will have to edit my writing the in morning even though Eric says that it is against Blog edict to edit after publishing. Will you forgive me?
I really don't believe that the kisses and hugs can fall off because of the sooper dooper glue that attaches them to your skin. Yea, tell Jack that's what Mamau thinks.