I woke up sometime after 8 then fell asleep until sometime after 9. Eric was in the living room and the monkeys were playing upstairs. Eric had taken care of breakfast monkey entertainment. Coffee was ready. A good morning!
I said good morning to all my men, then played on the computer for awhile. Owen and Jack joined me and we watched some you-tube videos – mostly music and dancing stuff.
We did some little chores, just hangin’ out.
I can’t believe my little guys are serving themselves without much input from me…

Today was Quinn and Penn’s birthday party. They monkeys wanted to wear fancy clothes, so I ironed shirts for them – and one for Eric while I was at it.

I asked the monkeys if they wanted to wear “very fancy” clothes or “modern fancy”. Owen chose “modern” so we picked out a tie to go with his shirt, a pair of jeans with sewed on rips and patches, and his pair of high-top converse (actually these are the only shoes that fit him right now, so I am glad that the “went” with the outfit…). Jack wanted to be “very fancy” so we found dress pants and formal shoes for him. He was excited to wear his bowtie that he got in his Christmas stocking. I spent 15 minutes going through all of his dress-up clothes and hiding places for precious items in his room before I found it…
I threw in a load of laundry so that I can wear my favorite jeans to the party (really the one pair of jeans that I wear pretty much every day. I should branch out…)
The monkeys and I got dressed and went to the bookstore to get some books for the birthday boys. We chose 4 of the boys’ favorite books from when they were little.

Owen and Jack decorated some paper with watercolor,

and I dried it with the hairdryer so that we could use it right away for wrapping paper.
I took a shower and got ready while Eric did the monkeys’ hair (Eric really really loves that I am taking tons of photos this week, can you tell? – you’re a trooper, baby!)

I cannot believe that I didn’t take a final photo of us before the party! Inspired by my 4 and 5-year-olds, I decided to dress up a little. It will be a shock to many to know that I wore (um…some of you may need to sit down before you read these next sentences)…makeup, silver shoes, a pink shirt and a white sweater!! (no black t-shirt, no Converse shoes, no Smartwool socks!) Eric and Tina had a photographer at the party who took a picture of our family. If it t is comes out we will get one – and post it.
I had read the invitation wrong and we arrived a half-hour too early – totally embarrassing. Tina, always the gracious hostess, didn’t bat an eye. I helped finish setting up, Eric took a walk around the neighborhood with Jack, and Owen played with the twin’s toys. The monkeys loved the party. Tina always has amazing food(including adorable individual cups of blueberries and crackers for the kids)
, and there was a clown and balloon animals and other kids to play with. Owen was especially happy to see Charlotte – who he really misses now that she is not in class with him.
During the party, a loud quick banging noise came from near the r hard-wood staircase. I look over and Owen was crying. His feet has slipped while he was walking down, and he slid on his back down several stairs. It is so awful to have your child get hurt. I know it is not reasonable (or healthy for their independence) to follow their every step in order to prevent any injury to your children. It isn’t even possible, but man I hate when they get hurt!
Poor O had a red stain right through his little white shirt.
One awesome tradition at the party is that each child gets their own candle in their own cupcake so that they can blow out a candle at the same time as the birthday boys. So cute!
It was after 6 by the time we left and Jack was drifting off to sleep in the car. We didn’t want the monkeys to fall asleep in the car, and thought they might need a little more food before bed. So, we stopped at Burger Master, an old-fashioned outdoor restaurant where you stay in your car and they serve you on the trays that attach to your windows. Owen, as usual, had a million questions about what was going on, and how everything worked, and why everything was done the way it was done. Jack just wanted to know when the food was going to be served…

At home we all changed. I read books with the monkeys and put them to bed. I love that they both want to read each night. Owen is not so thrilled now that Jack is reading because Jack is still horrendously slow – sounding out each three-letter word slowly and then saying it fast. He never says anything to Jack though. Today is just looked at me with a pained face and laid down on the bed. I scratched his back while Jack read his book.
I made tea, downloaded photos and blogged. I will most likely go downstairs and read a book on my Kindle or watch something with Eric.