We took a hike up to Twin Falls today with Nana and Dock and Tyler. It was a great place for a family hike. The trail was along the river with a few places to get in close. (What is with children’s facination with water anyway?) There was enough ups and downs to create a little bit of a challenge physically, but not too much that the monkeys wanted to be carried (that much.) Oh, and there was a bench at the mid-way point and the top-point of the hike – super important for snacks!
This little lizard was tiny! I think the who thing could have fit on my pinkie, and still been shorter than my finger. Yeah, I didn’t actually pick it up, and I think I was the one who was most interested in it…Snack time…
Ah, I remember this age, before my monkeys stuck out their tongues or made other various silly faces at the site of the camera…Tyler, don’t ever change!
The weather was nice until we got to the very end of our trail (and the farthest away from the car…) Just as we sat down to eat our snack (sunflower seeds, dried blueberries, and chocolate chips mixed up “the way Becca does, mom”) it started to rain, continually harder all the way back to the car. Funny thing was – I think that made the hike better. All of the foliage was shiny from being wet, the thunder was exciting (when you knew there was going to be a warm dinner and safe house to come home to) and the monkeys had no complaints going back to the car.
The only complaint was from the adults who thought that my picture-taking skills were on the slow side – considering the pouring rain…
We will definitely be doing a return trip here.
“I am so impressed with myself!” Jack declared near the end of the trail. “ I hiked this whole way like a big boy!”
We had the BEST time on the hike!!!!! Thunder, rain and all:) Fun, fun, fun! xxoo