Last month, my niece Lauren graduated from High School.
For me it was a bit of a shock. I was not shocked that Lauren graduated, but that “real” kids graduate. My sister’s kids are “real” kids. Of course all kids are “real” kids, but somehow her kids make things seem a little more real. If her kids can graduate from high school, that means that mine will too. Scary!
I took the monkeys to her graduation. They were very excited and, of course, wanted to wear “fancy clothes”. Unfortunately, I had let a friend’s son borrow Owen’s dress shirt and tie for a wedding. Neither Owen nor Jack were convinced that wearing a polo was fancy enough…ooops. (I guess I should have responded to their email saying they were done with the clothes.)
I worried about how Jack would do through the long ceremony, but he did great and always wanted to know where Lauren was. (For anyone wondering, she is in the third row from the front – about the 8th from the near edge. She is leaning forward more than anyone in the row)
When Lauren received her diploma, Jack thought Lauren was getting her “memory book” - a book with pictures of Lauren and her classmates the events she did throughout the year. Jack loves the one that he got from his preschool...
Owen later told me that he thought Lauren was receiving her “passport to college.”

At her party afterward, Lauren was such a wonderful guest of honor. She made sure to talk to everyone there, was so happy and friendly, and dignified. I was so proud of her.

We did a little activity where we wrote our wishes for her future on little purple papers, and read them to her. Then we lit the paper and the wishes escaped up into the air.
One of Lauren’s friends read her heartfelt wish to Lauren and had many, I think even Lauren, in tears. 
The best part of the evening is when Lauren made a little speech after she had opened her cards and gifts. Eric yelled “speech! Speech” and everyone caught on. You could tell that Lauren was a bit surprised, but she just smiled and closed her eyes for a minute. Then Lauren thanked everyone for coming and thanked them for all the different kinds of support they had given her up to this part of her life. She then said that she still had a lot to learn in this life and that she hoped everyone would continue to help her grow.
It was so beautiful, and heartfelt, and honest, and I was so proud of her!
We love our Lauren!! Congratulations