One of the first things Jack did today was announce, “I’m four today!”
He ran downstairs and noticed the banner that said “Happy Birthday”, then the “Jack” banner that we had hung over the fireplace. He noticed the letters were decorated with Captain Sharky. He did not notice the gifts that were sitting just at his feet as he looked at the banner. After some prompting from Eric and I he finally clued in and opened them up - a light saber night light and a garbage truck book.
Jack got to choose the events of the day. He yelled, “Museum of Flight” without hesitation. Owen spent two hours attempting to talk Jack into going to Build-a Bear to no avail. (Owen was hoping to hang out with Uncle Marc close by and earn $5 for doing some work with him…)
So after Jack demanded “fancy clothes” and they were produced, we were off to the museum.

The plane that Owen is in, is right in front of the of the one Jack is in. They boys were yelling back and forth to each other as they “flew.” The yelled to go faster, to slow down, to land, or turn. I decided to take a video of their exchange…and ended up with a typical Jack-ism – a very polite announcement of impending harm…
I’m So Sorry I Bombed Your Plane
After the flight museum, we went to the monkey’s gymnastics.
Then to Starbucks for a hot chocolate.
Then to visit Auntie Mimi at her work. 
Nap in the car on the way home.
We watched a Shaun the Sheep show then read books.
Jack requested that Daddy bring home teriyaki, from the place near his work, for dinner.
We opened more presents; a small StarWars metal lunchbox and a big transportation Lego set with vehicles like the ones we used on our Big Big Trip. Owen was very proud to give you a Jengo Fett outfit.
We played with Lego, then the whole family put Jack to bed.
Jack was very happy with all of his decisions of what to do today!
Dear Jack,
You are my baby, my dear sweet, out-side-the-box, crazy, unpredictable, affectionate boy. You totally have me wrapped around your little finger, and though I know it, I don’t seem to be able to do anything about it. Honestly, I am not sure I want to... I love your spirit – your unchecked way of expressing yourself. You will yell that you don’t like me, then you will yell that you love me forever; and you mean both fully and truly at the time.
You have asked for several things for your birthday, none of which you truly want, I think. It is that you adore your big brother Owen, and so you pick the things that he likes to play with. Star Wars and Lego are on your list. You do ask for garbage trucks too. You already have quite an assortment of garbage trucks. You still love them and we still watch them every Friday morning and pull the car over to watch them whenever we can – we did today!
What else is there to tell about you as you wrap up a year of being three? You would eat crackers all day if I would let you. You sometime curl up in bed on your own and take a nap. You love cats – especially black ones. You like to pretend you speak French. You like to be loud – it is fun to you – a loud song, a loud sentence or a loud sound – doesn’t matter. You also follow up sneaky sentences with a sly “I’m-so cute” grin. And you are cute.
You are cute, and kind, and polite, and funny, and loving. I am so glad you are in our family!