A sunny day in Seattle calls for an event.
A ferry ride to Bainbridge Island.
(I highly recommend that you NOT leave your lights on while you wait in line for the ferry for 40 minutes, because it is really NOT fun to watch all the cars pass by you and have to get a jump from a grouchy Ferry Worker while your three and four year-olds helpfully tell you that you should really start the car because they are going to miss the ferry – and repeat this several times a little bit more loudly each time because surely you must have NOT heard them or you would have started the car by now.
Oh, and don’t bother asking the ferry worker if it is likely that your car won’t start again if you simply drive onto the ferry and turn off the engine because the battery probably won’t have charged enough. He will most likely tell you, “That’s not my problem.” Because it is NOT.)
But things get better on the island…
The famous cookies at Blackbird Cafe (you never eat the same shaped cookie twice!) Owen picked out a “red suitcase” and when he realized it was a train car, he bit the wheels off to “fix it.” My smart cookie.
Jack didn’t get why Mama thought her drink smelled so delicious, but it did.
Grady felt that I should focus more on his formula than my drink. (sorry Grady)
Mama taking some {should be} cute photos.
Mama dropping the camera when she realizes that Jacks entire head and body are able to fit through these bars and the cement barrier barely comes up to his waist.
Jack and Owen kill 15 minutes running up and down the ramp while Mama prays for them not to trip.
Owen tries his hand at photography.
Jack helps Owen out by doing a solo run down the ramp…
… and not stopping so that Owen captures some stellar Speedy-Mama moves when Jack steps off the sidewalk. (don’t you love how he is looking right at me as he jumps off???)
Jack tries his hand at photography.
Lauren gets in on the photography game.
A teenager realizes it takes a LONG time to get ANYWHERE with a three year old.
Grady loves the ferry ride home.
Time to relax.
A long and fun day! (and an hour of quiet for Lauren, Grady, and Mama while these monkeys sleep in the garage.)
i remember the good ol' days when i used to do fun stuff with my kids....
ReplyDeletei especially love those moments when you are carelessly taking pictures and something dangerous happens and you feel like an idiot of a mom. :) actually, not really. i don't like those moments at all.
Ahhhh, it looks like they hada great time! Thanks for making Grady's days away from Mama so much fun!