Jack’s birthday present from Katie and Sarah was a bowling adventure.
Jack was overjoyed at the thought of his adventure taking place this week (jumping up and down and hugging and making high pitched delighted sounds.) But he played it cool, wearing his new orange checked button-down shirt with the right undershirt and jeans. That’s him chillin’ while he watches Sarah bowl. Jack and Katie each won a game, so he was a very happy boy.
And there was more to be happy about. Afterwards we went over to play skeebol (or whatever it is called) Jack has loved this game since he first played it when he was three and spent most of a half-an-hour trying to get the balls over the final hurdle at the end of the launch ramp. (and you had to be ready to duck if you were watching him play because sometimes balls flew up and behind him– true for bowling too now that I think about it…) Anyway, somehow he always seems to have no idea what I am talking about when I try to explain this game. Again, he couldn’t figure out what I was talking about when I told him were were going to play after bowling, but then got super excited when he saw the actual machines.
After quite a few games, the kids put all of their tickets together and then Owen was able to divide by 4 to figure out that each kid got 110 points to spend at the candy counter (my little math whiz!)
With a handful of laffy-taffy, junior mints, fun dips and candy necklaces, the kids trotted off to the pizza joint.

Jack, who is not a pizza fan, order his Caesar salad and breadstick from anyone who looked like they might work at the place and approached our table. When the actual server came Katie ordered minestrone soup, and Owen and Sarah shared a tomato and mozzarella salad and a Hawaiian pizza. I don’t think I knew what any of that was when I was a kid…
Afterwards John took all four kids to his car to drive for some more fun at their house. A few minutes later John called asking for an inhaler for Jack. I got nervous and ran out of the restaurant to make sure Jack was ok (lets say I ran really really fast.) The lady at the door yelled something to me as I ran out but I didn’t hear her and really didn’t care as I was pretty worried about Jack.
Jack ended up being fine, but Lisa came out chuckling about my new restaurant reputation. Apparently exits like mine are for those who dine and dash!