Jack: I want chips and um, butter for breakfast.
Me: No, I don’t think so.
Jack: (the great compromiser) Ok, I’ll have chips and ice-cream.
(he had Oatmeal Square Cereal)
Owen: Mom, if Sarah doesn’t play with me at school today, I am going to sing this to my teachers: (somberly sings the 2nd verse of Puff the Magic Dragon).
Dragons live forever, but not so little girls and boys. Painted wings and giants rings make way for other toys. One grey night it happened; Jackie Paper came no more. Puff the Magic Dragon ceased his fearless roar. Without his lifelong friend, Puff could not be brave, so Puff that mighty dragon sadly slipped into his cave.
Jack: (while checking out the garbage after throwing something away) There is a stinky diaper in there. I’m not going to eat it.
Jack: Can I hold your paper bird?
Owen: No, last time you cut mine. You can hold it when you are four.
Jack: I will cut it when I am four!
Owen: Then you can’t have it until your eight.
Jack: (sensing his line of argument wasn’t working) I won’t cut it then.
Owen: I am NOT playing with jack for 80..100 days.
Jack: Then I am not sharing my toys for 46 days, and that’s a LOT!
(Deanna is taking me out to a secret birthday event tomorrow – Eric knows something about it)
Me: Just tell me if she is taking me out for a pedicure. If she is, I need to shave.
Eric: Just shave anyway and then everyone wins.
Me: You’re funny. You might have just made my blog.
Eric: If you heard all of the funny things that I say, I would make the blog AAAALLLLLLLL the time!
On a completely different note: Here is Owen’s latest accomplishment.
Owen was given a pair of tennis shoes from his grandma a week or two ago. He LOVES them, and as I tie them, I have talked about what I am doing and had him practice little parts. “Did I do it myself?” “Um, no.”
Occasionally I have told him to “go get any shoes that you can put on yourself.” (ok, so he only has one other pair of shoes- is that mean?) Yesterday, I heard him making cryish/frustrated sounds as I got Jack ready to go out for dinner, but as I came to the door, he yelled, “I did it! I tied my shoe all by myself!” And this time he did.